
1. General characteristics of vertebrates

All vertebrates have bony back bone (spine, vertebral column which consist of separates structure - vertebrae) and a skull protecting the brain and main sensory organs.

2. Fishes

- Live in water all the time
- Are streamlined, have fins for swimming
- Skin is covered with scales
- Breathe oxygen from water with gills

streamlined - o opływowym kształcie
fins - płetwy
scales - łuski
gills - skrzela

3. Amphibians

- 4000 species
- Soft, permeable skin used for gas exchange (but leaves an animal vulnerable for water loss)
- Live in moist habitats
- Depend on water for reproduction
- Eggs hatch into aquatic larvae (tadpoles) with gills undergo metamorphosis into land-living adults with lungs (adults use skin, mouth and lung surface for gas exchange)
- Include: frogs, toads, newts, salamanders

permeable - przepuszczalny
vulnerable - wrażliwy
aquatic larvae - larwa wodna
tadpole - kijanka
metamorphosis - przeobrażenie
frog - żaba
toad - ropucha
newt - traszka
salamander - salamandra

4. Reptiles

- 6500 species
- Have developed ways of minimising water loss
- Waterproof scales
- Eggs with leathery shells and internal membranes permeable to O₂, CO₂ and H₂O
- Include: snakes, lizards, crocodilians, turtles, tortoises

snake - wąż
lizards - jaszczurka
crocodilians - krokodyle
turtle - żółw morski
tortoise - żółw lądowy

5. Aves

- 8900 species
- Have feathers (modified reptilian scales)
- Internal fertilization
- Scales on legs/feet
- Claws at the end of toes
- Well developed sense organs
- Lizard-shelled eggs
- Can fly (have hollow light bones with internal air spaces)
- Light horny beak instead of jaws with teeth
- Small head

sense organs - narządy zmysłu

6. Mammals

- 4500 species
- Hair provides insulation against heat loss
- Have milk producing mammary glands
- Enable to feed their young without deserting them to find food
- They protect their developing embryos in 3 different ways:
  • Monotrems - lay eggs, the young complete their development in their mother's pouch where they feed on milk (duck-billed platypus, spiny ant-eater)

  • Marsupials - give birth to a very small and helpless fetus; development in a pouch nourished by milk

  • Placental mammals - nourish they young through a placenta, which allows the developing fetus to be protected by the mother's body and allows birth at a relatively advanced stage
mammary glands - gruczoły sutkowe
without deserting - bez opuszczania
monotrems - stekowce
marsupials - torbacze
placental mammals - łożyskowce
pouch - kieszeń, torba
platypus - dziobak
ant-eater - mrówkojad
fetus - płód
nourished - odżywiony
placenta - łożysko

Kserówki (kliknij, aby powiększyć)

chordata - strunowce
tunicate - osłonica
lancelet - lancetnik
dorsal hollow nerve cord - rurkowata grzbietowa cewka nerwowa
notochord - struna grzbietowa
intestine - jelito
gill slits - szczeliny skrzelowe
pharynx - gardło
lamprey - minóg morski
hagfish - śluzica
skate - płaszczki
cartilaginous fishes - ryby chrzęstnoszkieletowe
archaeopteryx - rodzaj późnojurajskego teropoda
toothless beak - bezzębny dziób
to retain - zachować

insectivora - owadożerne
chiroptera - nietoperze
carnivora - drapieżne
rodentia - gryzonie
lagomorpha - zajęczaki
perissodactyla - nieparzystokopytne
artiodactyla - parzystokopytne
cetacea - walenie
primates - naczelne

placental mammals - ssaki łożyskowe
eutheria - ssaki wyższe
©2011-2013 by Oskar Zmarzły