1. General characteristics of animals
- They are multicellular
- They are eucaryotic
- They are heterothropic
- Their cells haven't got cell wall
- Their cells haven't got chlorophyll
invertebrates - bezkręgowce
vertebrates - kręgowce
2. Animal tissues
- Tissues are groups of cells with a common function and structure
- In most animals combinations of various tissues make functional units called organs: brain, liver, lungs, stomach, heart
- Groups of organs that work together form organ systems
brain - mózg
liver - wątroba
lungs - płuca
stomach - żołądek
heart - serce
3. Types of animal tissues
Epithelial tissue - covers the outside of body and lines organs and cavities within the body. Cells of epithelium are closely joined; this tight packing enables the epithelium to
function as a barrier protecting against mechanical injury, invasive microorganisms or fluid loss. Some epithelia are called glandular epithelia; which absorb or secrete chemical solutions.
Connective tissue - functions mainly to bind and support other tissue. There are many different types of connective tissue which forms tendons, ligaments, bone, cartilage, blood and adipose tissue.
Nervous tissue - senses stimuli and transmites signals from one part of animal to another. The functional unit of nervous tissue is neuron, which consists of a cell body and two more extensions, called dendrites and axons.
Muscle tissue - composed of long cells called muscle fibre, that are capable to contract when stimulated by nerve impulse.
Types of muscle tissues:
- skeletal muscle - attached to bones by tendons; responsible for voluntary movement of the body
- cardiac muscle - forms the contractive wall of the heart; doesn't depend on human's will
- smooth muscle - responsible for involuntary body activities; found in the walls of digestive track, urinary bladder, blood vessels, etc.
epithelium tissue - tkanka nabłonkowa
glandular epithelia - nabłonek gruczołowy
cavities - jamy
tight - ściśle do siebie przylegający
mechanical injury - uszkodzenie mechaniczne
fluid loss - utrata płynów
tendon - ścięgno
ligaments - wiązadło
bone - kość
cartilage - chrząstka
adipose tissue - tkanka tłuszczowa
to contract - kurczyć się
skeletal muscle - mięsień szkieletowy
cardiac muscle - mięsień sercowy
smooth muscle - mięsień gładki
digestive track - przewód pokarmowy
urinary bladder - pęcherz moczowy
blood vessels - naczynia krwionośne
4. Primitive invertebrates: sponges and cnidaria
1. Phylum porifera; sponges
- They are sessile marine animals
- 9,000 species; 100 in fresh water
- Haven't tissues - no nerves and muscles, but individual cells can react to changes in the enviroment
- Body is sac-perforated, with holes; water is drown through the pores into a central cavity, then flows out through a larger opening. More complex sponges have folded body walls
- They are filter-feeders
- They are hermaphrodites; each sponge functions as male and female
- They are capable to regenerate extensively
2. Phylum cnidaria
- Hydras, jellyfishes, sea anemone, coral animals
- 10,000 species
- Mostly marine
- Simple body construction
- Radial symmetry
- Basic body plan has 2 variations:
- sessile polyp
- floating medusa (moves freely in water)
- They are carnivorous, use tentacles to capture prey
- Have got cnidocytes; unique cells that function in defence and in capture of prey
- Have got muscles and nerves in the simplest form
3. Phylum platyhelminthes; flatworms
- 20,000 species
- They live in sea, fresh water and damp terrestrial habitats
- There are many parasite species
- Their body is flattened dorsoventrally
- Turbellarias
- free-living
- mostly marine
- Trematodas (flukes)
- Tapeworms
- parasites on or in other animals; have suckers for attracting to internal organs or to outer surface of the host
4. Phylum Nematoda; roundworms
- They're not symmetric
- Have got tough cuticule
- Completed digestive tract
- Haven't got circulatory system
- Live in aquatic habitats, wet soil, moist tissues of plants and in the body, body fluids or tissues of animals
- About 90,000 species
5. Phylum Annelida
- Segmented externally and internally
- Over 17,000 species
- Live in marine/fresh water and damp soil
- Most aquatic are bottom dweller that burrow in sand
hydra - stułbia
jellyfish - meduza
sea anemone - ukwiał
coral animals - koralowce
flatworms - płazińce
roundworms - nicienie
turbellarias - wirki
tremadotas - przywry
tapeworms - tasiemce
damp terrestrial habitats - podmokłe siedliska lądowe
flattened dorsoventrally - spłaszczony grzebieto-brzusznie
sessile - osiadły
radial symmetry - symetria promieniowa
floating - wolnopływający, dryfujący
carnivorous - drapieżne, mięsożerne
prey - ofiara, zdobycz
tentacles - macki, ramiona
bottom dweller - mieszkaniec
burrow - zakopywać, chować się
5. The Phylum Arthropoda
- Includes spiders, insects, centipedes, millipedes, shrimps, crustaceans
- They have segmented body called exoskeleton and have haemocoeles (body cavities filled with blood)
- Exoskeleton is made of cuticle (made of chitin), which covers outside of the body
- Insecta
Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen; antennae is present; mouth parts modified for chewing, sucking or lapping; usually with 2 pairs of wings and 3 pairs of legs; mostly terrestrial
- Crustacea
Body has 2 or 3 parts; antennae is present; chewing mouthparts; 3 or more pairs of legs; mostly marine
- Arachnida
Body has 1 or 2 main parts; 6 pairs of appendages (chelicerae, pedipalps, 4 pairs of legs); mostly terrestrial
bee, wasp, termite, ladybird, dragonfly, flea, louse (lice), beetle, moth, butterfly, gnat, locust, grasshopper, cricket, cockroach
lobster, shrimp, prawn, crayfish, crab
arthropods - stawonogi
arachnida - pajęczaki
insecta - owady
crustacea - skorupiaki
thorax - tułów
abdomen/prosoma - odwłok
cephalothorax/opisthosoma - głowotułów
exoskeleton - szkielet zewnętrzny
cuticle - naskórek
antennae - czułki
tick - kleszcz
mites - roztocza
centipedes - stonogi
millipedes - krocionogi
shrimps - krewetki
bee - pszczoła
wasp - osa
termite - termite
ladybird - biedronka
dragonfly - ważka
flea - pchła
louse (lice) - wesz (wszy)
beetle - chrząszcz, żuk
moth - ćma
butterfly - motyl
locust - szarańcza
grasshopper - konik polny
cricket - świerszcz
cockroach - karaluch
lobster - homar
shrimp - krewetka
prawn - krewetka
crayfish - rak
crab - krab
6. The Phylum Mollusca
- Snail has a soft body, covered by protective mucus or slime and hard shell where the snail hides, when it's in danger
- Internal organs are covered by mantle, which secretes the shell, that contains organs which are used for gas exchange
- Molluscs have a body plan composed of 3 parts:
- foot - mascular organ of locomotion, food capture or combination of functions
- mantle - a covering of the visceral mass - secretes a shell (if there is)
- visceral mass - contains internal organs (digestive tract, kidney, gonades)
bivalves - małże
gastropods - ślimaki
cephalopods - głowonogi
molluscs - mięczaki
herbivorous - roślinożerny
coiled - spiralny
moulting - linienie
mucus - śluz
slime - szlam
shell - muszla, skorupa
mantle - płaszcz
radula - tarka
visceral mass - worek trzewiowy
snail - ślimak
slug - ślimak nagi
clam - małż
mussel - omułek
scallop - przegrzebek
oyster - ostryga
squid - kałamarnica
octopus - ośmiornica
chambered nautilius - łodzik
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